Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh, really?

From "Wind turbines threatening existence of the lesser prairie chicken", January 6, 2010, Oklahoma Gazette:
“We are not a wind power company,” said OG&E CEO Peter Delaney at the wind conference. “We don’t desire to be a wind power company. We’re market driven. We’re not driven by a mandate.”
Dear Peter Delaney,

How can a government-controlled and -protected monopoly - such as OG&E - even remotely begin to consider itself as being anywhere near market driven?

And as to the story's main subject - efforts to mitigate the impact of wind turbines on the lesser prairie chicken - I refer readers to recent postings by Keith Lockitch at the Ayn Rand Center's Voices for Reason blog:
Greens against green energy

Greens against green energy–follow-up
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1 comment:

  1. If the environmentalists truly believed in green energy they would be fully behind the greenest energy of them all - nuclear.

    Since they are not one must question their motives.
